11:32 PT New Moon

Koy Mangan
1 min readJul 19, 2023

She had never known the decadence of true authenticity.

She never had a choice to be herself.

She lived within a frame of herself, an impressionistic mess, admired from afar.

Please don’t get too close but please, don’t go away.

She was told that she was, “too much.”

She was never “enough.”

Shame crashed into her early and pocked her with craters, so she called herself “Luna.”

She was told, “The demon in you has a name- homosexuality.”

So, then, she called herself, “Devil” and sought refuge in religion.

Crying at the foot of the cross.

Moving through the world denying some part of herself always.

Society rejected the very core of her, and she rejected those who could love

A devil.

The trouble with trauma is that the foundation is a quicksand.


The trouble with life is we are demolished to be metamorphosized and renewed.

She never knew the decadence of true authenticity, but,

She would.



Koy Mangan

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. Everything that comes from love is a miracle. ACIM T-1.I.3.